What's it about?

Here's a place for me to detail my goings on so people who are interested can find out.
It will mainly be about my Occupational Therapy pracs, serving both as a diary and for friends and family to find out what I've been up to.

The title refers to the fact that in the next 18 months it is likely that I will live in at least 6 different places. People as where I'm form and it's hard to answer, I'm from Narooma, I go to uni in Albury, I live in Queanbeyan part time. Where is home?

I really look forward to the day where I can call a place home for good and be certain that it is home.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dubbo: Week 1;4

So where was I?

Wednesday we did a regional visit where we did 7 home visits. All but one were new clients so there were 6 initial assessments to carry out. It was good because I got to watch a few and get an idea of what questions to ask and what information was really important and then do the ones in the afternoon.

More home mods and some for equipment trials. Lots of rails to install. I guess that's a good thing if that's all someone needs.

I found that strange about this particular community health role. The OT may see the client only once, do the initial assessment, go away and write the reports and recommendations and never see the client again (an OT aide will visit to make sure the handrails are in the right place and are serving their intended purpose). They may see the client again in a few years time if they are referred again but it is possible that that will be the only visit. It was not what I had expected but I guess if you provide a hand rail that makes them independent, then what more can you do?

One lady we saw was 103 and still being cared for at home. Respect! Have a few pieces of equipment to trial that will hopefully make caring for her a bit easier. Will be taking a trip back to Mudgee in a couple of weeks to do that so that will be interesting to see the equipment trials.

Thursday and Friday were spent writing up the reports from the 7 visits. There is a lot of paperwork to do. Is it strange if I say I don't mind writing reports? Because I really don't. It was actually really satisfying to print off the reports, letters and drawing and put them in envelopes and files and know that it was my work.

I've been learning how to use a CAD program... no scale ruler for me. So much easier to do on the computer. I've not done 5 drawings. 4 of which haven't been checked by my supervisor yet so they could be extremely wrong!! But I remain hopeful!!

And so ended a LONG week. Needless to say sleep was looking GREAT!!

Enter another Dubbo weekend... mmm, fun...

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