What's it about?

Here's a place for me to detail my goings on so people who are interested can find out.
It will mainly be about my Occupational Therapy pracs, serving both as a diary and for friends and family to find out what I've been up to.

The title refers to the fact that in the next 18 months it is likely that I will live in at least 6 different places. People as where I'm form and it's hard to answer, I'm from Narooma, I go to uni in Albury, I live in Queanbeyan part time. Where is home?

I really look forward to the day where I can call a place home for good and be certain that it is home.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dubbo: Week 5;2

Sunshine and warmth yesterday.
Cold and pouring rain today.


Got to sit in on 2 lymphoedema clients. Good to see something different. Everyone's trying to get me out of the office and away from the computer.

Things are getting pretty stressful because my supervisor has to get everything finished before she goes on maternity leave a week after I finish. So she's trying not to start too many new things and I'm getting my things done and then we have to go to Mudgee 3 times in the next 3 weeks which means NEW CLIENTS. MORE PAPERWORK. LESS TIME TO GET EVERYTHING ELSE DONE.

So the pressure is on. Which makes it a bit hard. But I'll do what I can.

Mudgee tomorrow. 3 new clients. Hoping for simple mods and no Enable applications but that probably won't happen now!!

Long day tomorrow. Need sleep. Blah.

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