What's it about?

Here's a place for me to detail my goings on so people who are interested can find out.
It will mainly be about my Occupational Therapy pracs, serving both as a diary and for friends and family to find out what I've been up to.

The title refers to the fact that in the next 18 months it is likely that I will live in at least 6 different places. People as where I'm form and it's hard to answer, I'm from Narooma, I go to uni in Albury, I live in Queanbeyan part time. Where is home?

I really look forward to the day where I can call a place home for good and be certain that it is home.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dubbo: Week 5;4


By myself :(

The weekend consisted of both my car and computer calling it quits!

I attempted to go for a drive to see some of the outside world and I didn't get very far befor my car started lurching and doing other strange things. So back to the cell I went. Car parked and not to be touched!

Computer decided that it will no longer charge unless I hold the plug in really tight. Handy!

Did some crafts to keep me from going nuts.

The weekend was loooooong and not very enjoyable.

I was looking forward to going back to work on Monday!

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